
120 posts

Ready To Sell Checklist…

Your Checklist To Get Ready To Sell Some Highlights When it comes to selling your house, you want it to look its best inside and out. It’s important to focus on tasks that can make it inviting, show it’s cared for, and boost your curb appeal for prospective buyers. Let’s connect to make sure your […]


Why This Isn’t Your Typical Summer Housing Market In real estate, it’s normal to see ebbs and flows in the market. Typically, the summer months are slower-paced than the traditionally busy spring. But this isn’t a typical summer. As the economy rebounds and life is returning to normal, the real […]

Understanding these common contingencies during your home purchase or sale can help protect your financial safety in any real estate transaction. Reach out with any questions!

When a real estate agent or broker puts together the purchase agreement for your home, they will talk with you about a variety of supporting and supplemental documents. These may include a letter from your lender, the payment of an Earnest Money Deposit (EMD), and, in most cases, one or […]